Track No. 6: L'Ubac

Track No. 6: L'Ubac

Level : Good level skiers track
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Distance: 2km loop from Pont de l'Église - approx. 25m ascent.

Itinerary between forest and ubac plain, in a winter atmosphere.

Please note that the circuit can be skated or ridden with the classic technique (alternative).

Once you've crossed the Pont de l'Église and your Pass in your pocket, set off on this loop on the right bank of the Biaysse. If you prefer, you can also start from the Nordic chalet, take trail no. 5: La Biaysse and head upstream on the right bank after the bridge.
  • Towns crossed : Freissinières


A few rules:

→ Cross-country ski trails are groomed, marked and secured. Access is subject to a fee and reserved for Nordic skiers.

→ You use these trails under your own responsibility: find out about weather conditions, trail closures, don't overestimate your possibilities.

→ Respect the signs: trail directions, dangers, prohibitions, closures.

→ Dogs are forbidden on cross-country ski trails.

→ It is dangerous and forbidden to use the pistes outside opening hours (presence of grooming equipment).

→ Take your garbage with you

Please note that routes are possible in skating or classic technique (alternative).

Conditions are very pleasant all day long in winter. However, from March onwards, it's best to practice in the mornings, as some of the pistes can be quickly exposed to the sun.

Cross-country ski passes can be purchased at the Chalet nordique. Don't forget to bring your trail map!

Please note: this information is for guidance only. It is your responsibility to check the weather report and conditions before you set off. The Tourist Office and the Parc national des Écrins cannot be held responsible in the event of an accident. If you have any doubts, please contact the professionals: instructors or equipment hire companies.

Emergency contact details: Secours Montagne: 04 92 22 22 22 or 112

3 points of interest

  • Flora

    The horsetail

    On the banks of a stream, on the edge of a ditch a plant grows which resembles a large bottle brush... or a horse's tail, depending on your imagination. It's the field horsetail, a plant related to ferns. It is known for its medicinal properties because it is rich in silica, a powerful remineraliser for the bones, cartilage and skin. There are several species of horsetail. 

  • Fauna

    The barbastelle

    In the village, birds build their nests in the old walls and bats live in the attics. Some hide behind shutters that are secured open against the walls. The barbastelle is a rare species of bat. Like all other bat species, it is protected. The hamlet of Le Ribes is privileged to be its home in the summer. This small mammal feeds on a large number of insects every night. It «moves house» frequently if it is disturbed or simply as a precaution.

  • Flora

    Huile de marmotte - marmot oil

    In times past, the inhabitants of Freissinières used oil for cooking and lighting. Walnut or almond oil was difficult to produce at this high altitude. The Briançon plum tree or marmottier, however, can withstand the mountain conditions, and the yellow fruits of this tree contain kernels. These kernels were pressed in mills to produce an oil with medicinal virtues: marmot oil. .