Snow Trail: Pré Loubet

Snow Trail: Pré Loubet

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A beautiful initiation loop towards the Lauzet plateau
After an ascent among larches, you will discover the picturesque hamlet of Tournoux, before heading towards the Lauzet plateau and the Hermes lake. Once these points reached, enjoy the view on the Tête d'Amont


At start at the nordic chalet, follow the track n°20 towards the Hermès lake

  1. Once arrived at the lake, run around it then take the path on your right that goes down to Tournoux
  2. Under the rock wall, go down to the left to reach the chalets of Tournoux then follow the track to the starting poin
  • Departure : Nordic chalet of Pré Loubet, Puy-Saint-Vincent
  • Arrival : Nordic chalet of Pré Loubet, Puy-Saint-Vincent
  • Towns crossed : Puy-Saint-Vincent

Altimetric profile


Before going on Trail run, it is compulsory to check the opening periods of the path on the website: 

Be aware of the meteo conditions before going

Contact details of emergencies services in mountain: 04 92 22 22 22 or 112

Please respect the work of farmers and owners

Close every fence

Bring back your rubbishes

Don't cross the path accross the prairie

Trails paths are also available to walk

Information desks

Vallouise Park house

, 05290 Vallouise 92 23 58 08

Information, documentation, models, exhibitions, screenings, product sales and works of the Park. Guided tours for school, reservation required. The new Park House opened in Vallouise since June 1, and offers visitors an interactive permanent exhibition inviting to explore the area and its heritage. A temporary exhibition space will allow a renewed offer. Finally, the device is completed by an audiovisual room to organize screenings and conferences Free admission. All animations of the Park are free unless otherwise stated.

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Public transports >>

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For more information, you can ask the nearest Touristic Information Office

Access and parking

Reach Puy-Saint-Vincent 1600 by road D4 from l'Argentière-la-Bessée, or by road D804 from Vallouise

Parking :

Puy-Saint-Vincent 1600

3 points of interest

  • Vernacular heritage

    Le Laus

    A number of old alpine pasture chalets or hamlets, often renovated, are dotted across the Puy-Saint-Vincent resort. These are the Chalets du Laus. Le Laus is a place name designating a lake. In fact, just after the chalets, although not a lake, there is a flat, marshy area which is no doubt a small filled-in lake. So no point in bringing your pedalo!
  • Fauna

    The common raven

    A hollow "caw" makes you lift up your head (careful not to trip!). A pair of common ravens is nesting near here (they pair for life), on a cliff face. Although bigger than its cousins the carrion crow and the rook, it can be identified by its rather lozenge-shaped tail. It almost became extinct due to persecution Yet it's an omnivore and, more particularly, a scavenger which plays an important role by cleaning up disease-prone carcasses.
  • Panorama


    The Tournoux plateau is a small paradise with its cool meadows, its occasional renovated chalets made from stone and larch wood and its view over the Tête d'Aval, an imposing limestone peak forming part of the Montbrison massif. Whether on a mountain bike, on foot or on cross-country skis in the winter, this spot is always an invitation to stop for a break!

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